Thursday, April 29, 2010

My first blog post...

So, way back last year I bought an old bike I planned on chopping up and making into a bobber style ride. I've done very little work on it, mostly due to my ability to put off to another day what should have been done yesterday. However, since the start, I have been keeping track of the chop with pictures and a few notes I jot down at each step. Recently someone explained this whole new interweb machine to me and how you can put stuff on it and talk about it with other people not even in your same town. This has excited me and renewed my passion for this project and spurred me to start this blog a ma jig thing. I am going to start transferring my crap onto here instead of in my head and on napkins. Along the way I'm sure I will throw other morsels of information from my life onto this blog, some of which you may find pleasing and agreeable, but most of which you will probably not.